Empowerment and Self Care

Empaths and Empathy

Like you, I have also been on a journey of awakening. Most of the time I didn’t know it because I was trying to fit into society’s expectations of life just like everybody else. It wasn’t until about 2008, after several events and occurrences that led up to that year, that I began to open up to the possibly that there’s something more going on here. This blog will talk about and offer another perspective on Empaths and Empathy.

Long story short, I am now a full-time Multi-Dimensional Master Healer in my private business, Soul Balancing™. I’ve taken many courses, classes, workshops, and received just as many certifications in order to better understand my innate gifts and abilities. For those of you that don’t know, Multi-Dimensional is also known as Quantum.

There are many articles, blogs, and documentations on this topic of Empaths and Empathy – I’ve yet to find one that best explains the connection we have as Empaths to the sensations of having empathy. Given the spiritual journey I’ve specifically been on, I’m now writing my version of Empaths and Empathy as it relates to me, my learning, my understanding, and my experiences.

Empaths and Empathy | Soul Balancing™ An Empath is defined as a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person’s frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another’s position.

Empaths are the people whom seem to be the most sensitive to energy and Empathy is the process in which they connect with the emotions of others. Both of which are vastly unclear even though the definitions are fairly accurate. One of the main reasons for this is because we think of ourselves as individual from another and we think in a linear fashion.

There are attempts to understanding Empaths and Empathy. Many types of empathy have been categorized, documentation on how it effects different genders differently, and how some believe it’s genetic or neurological.

With as much information out there, it’s interesting how it still seems to leave us lingering with that feeling that our questions and understanding of it are still not satisfied.

How is it that they’re feeling other’s emotions?
Why do they continue to take on and absorb other people’s drama as their own?
Why aren’t they able to shield themselves from taking other people’s emotions on?
Is it a sickness or disease of some kind?
Are we born with it or is it a learned trait?

Being an empath is something we’re all born with and begin experiencing it right from birth. Without a solid understanding of empathy, it’s been overlooked and under-recognized for centuries.

What do we do when we don’t fully understand something? Or when it interferes to the point of making us uncomfortable?

As with any major change or misunderstanding, people most commonly will judge and resist the change as it is too far out of their comfort zone. They might shut down their feeling centers because it’s just too much to deal with processing the addition of other people’s emotions on top of their own.

Sometimes shutting down the feeling centers isn’t so easy and people find other coping mechanisms. Coping mechanisms are typically recognized as different forms of addictions. Like excessively drinking alcohol or taking drugs to numb their feelings – whether its illegal drugs, over the counter, or a prescription for depression. By numbing our feelings, we are also numbing our intuitional guidance from our higher selves.

Other coping mechanisms like shopping, sex, gambling, cleaning (OCD), hoarding, exercising, watching TV, the news, and other activities done in excess are used to make themselves “feel better” or to “forget”. They’ll spend all their time and energy in excess on these things instead of sitting quietly with themselves to “feel” their emotions and process them effectively.

Distractions of any kind are exactly that… distractions. And it is a guarantee to keep you reliving the negative experiences. Everything you need to know, do, or heal is inside you. Listening to your intuition is the best guidance you’ll ever have!

There is far more to empathy and being an empath than what we’re really aware of. When there’s a global (spoken or unspoken) agreement that continues to have everyone feeling as though some of the things written make sense but yet no one is getting that “aha” resolution, then it’s safe to say there’s more to it than we’ve figured out.

“We don’t know what we don’t know”! Empaths and Empathy | Soul Balancing™

Everyone has Empathy, which means everyone is an Empath. Just like we’re innately born with love, emotions, feelings, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, sensing, and knowing – we are also born with Empathy. Empathy is another sense that has yet been identified as such.

Since we’re taught to be aware of the five main senses, then we believe those are the only senses we’re capable of having. What if there is more?!

If we don’t know what we don’t know, then it’s possible to say there are also more senses than what we have been accustomed to, right? Take Empathy for instance. It is defined as the “paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.”

If the five main senses are what we’ve known during our existence in 3D, wouldn’t it make sense that as the frequency of the planet rises into 4D & 5D, our consciousness also rises, and therefore, we are connecting with more senses that work on a quantum level?

To be honest, everything is quantum. Everything is energy and energy is quantum. We are quantum beings. Everything about us is quantum: our cells, our DNA, our bones, our emotions, etc., and including our senses.

What if Empathy is the quantum version of feeling? The linear version of feeling is being able to physically touch something or to only feel our own emotions. The quantum version being able to not only feel our own senses but to also connect with other people’s feelings and feel them too.

Did you just feel yourself expand?! There is so much more to life than we realize and we’re just beginning!

Remember at one time, there were only certain people capable of making that direct connection to Creator/God/Spirit. Like the Wise Ones, Shamans, Monks, and Dogma. I’m not saying the connection hasn’t always been there because it has. During many of these times, there have also been healers, psychics, mediums, tarot readers, witches, tea leaf readers, and many more.

In the far past, the vibration of the planet has been low and dense which has been part of its normal cycle as it orbits the galaxy, along with many other influences that effect and influence the planets vibration. Like astrology, the other planets orbiting around earth, humans, other living beings, etc. that contributed to the vibration of the planet and our 3D experiences. This doesn’t include the things we don’t know about.

Empaths and Empathy | Soul Balancing™ The planets vibration is rising which includes the vibration of us as humans. Just like humans existing in 3D, the planet is also a being unto itself that was existing in 3D.

There have been many significant energetic shifts on the planet. Within our lifetimes alone, there have been things like The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and the 2012 phenomenon’s that were cataclysmic or otherwise transformative events that occurred (December 12th and December 21st). The time prior to December 2012 is being called the Barbarian Ages and the time following the December 2012 shifts are now being referred to as times in the Dispensation of Compassion.

These significant types of events will raise and are still rising the vibration of us and the planet. As we become more sensitive to the quantum energies, we become more unsettled. And as we move into the higher frequencies, we have to let go of the old energy. The old energy simply cannot resonate within the higher vibrations. Hence why many of us experience the intensities of what once used to be tolerable.

Without the proper type of teachings or understandings of these events and sensations we’re feeling and experiencing, then most of the population is going to feel like the world’s coming to an end, that they’ve gone insane, or that they can no longer deal with the outside world so they stay home. Or worse yet, they decide to checkout and end their lives.

Another perspective of being an Empath or having Empathy is when we recognize that we are all one. We are Creator incarnated. We are God’s children. However you’ve been taught to believe, the important thing to remember is that Creator is inside you.

If everyone is quantum and everyone is Creator incarnated – meaning we are all one – then doesn’t it make sense that the essence of who we really are, is going to connect with everyone else?

Some people call the energy around us our aura, others have spoken of this as our soul. You might have even heard about all the different bodies that make each one of us up: physical body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, light body, etheric body, and so on.

These undulating energies around each of us is constantly connecting to others. Makes a little more sense when those people are physically next to us. But what about those in other states and countries that we empathize for? If they’re so far away, then how are we feeling the intensity of their experiences?

Because we are all quantum and we are connecting on a quantum level of oneness!

In a quantum state of connection, we are able to feel, sense, know, and experience the intensities of another regardless of where they are located. This can also explain why psychics, mediums, healers, and many types of readers can do their sessions remotely or long-distance.

Perhaps the definition would be better written as: An Empath is a person with the quantum ability to connect, read, feel, and understand the mental or emotional state of another individual.

We are in more accepting times (far more accepting than with our ancestors), and you can now easily find psychics, mediums, healers, and many types of readers and modalities. This has brought much relief to those who have not accepted their gifts yet or are choosing not to.

Being able to go to any one of these types of people has brought tremendous amounts of healing and understanding given that we have been able to make the connections to Creator on their behalf and provide some clarity to our clients. Empaths and Empathy | Soul Balancing™

With more understanding, one can more easily shield, protect, or detach themselves from absorbing other people’s emotions and drama. Recognize that whatever the other person is feeling and going through is very real for them but that it’s not something you have to take on. Keeping our vibration high, our energy clean, and working on our own healing is how we can best be available for someone one else.

The experiences and actions of our past cannot be undone. However, the intensity and influences of the experiences can be changed! In fact, this is how I came to create my business, Soul Balancing™. As a Multi-Dimensional Master Healer, I have fine-tuned my innate abilities and skills to more clearly recognize the frequencies of patterns, distortions, traumas, and more, in order to provide immediate and tangible results for my clients. It was through my own experiences, patterns, and traumas that have led me to embrace and embody this wonderful gift of being a healer. I love what I do and I love helping others remember There Is Always Hope!

If you are feeling the intensities of others as an Empath or if you’re someone who is struggling through life with your own versions of intensity or drama, then know you can find help and relief in alternative modalities.

You’ll know when you’re ready and when you’ve had enough of life in the way it’s been because you’ll be feeling “enough is enough already” deep in your core. Then I encourage you to contact me or anyone in this field of work that you resonate with, to regain the happiness and hope you deserve.

I’m Ready – Book My Session NOW!

Trixie Phelps
Multi-Dimensional Master Balancer
Soul Balancing™
There Is Always Hope!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Yes when I used to work as maintenence electrician I d receive a call from one of the new girls not just one but several I could feel there nervousness which would make me up tight as I was driving which can be dangerous they complained to the manager but how do you explain u have this ability without sounding mad they not got a clue what it’s like to be me I used think I was mad. I noticed if I meditate in a group gathering this addid me to feel a lot better from my days stressful events it’s taken me fifty years plus to start to understand it. I have experienced wonderful and dam right energy sapping nasty things you would not believe but that’s my story many thanks for reading

    1. Hi Brian, thank you for your comment. It is very hard to explain to main stream people what it’s like to be empathic. They especially don’t like to hear that “they” made you uncomfortable. This is not a judgement but rather an indicator of where they are in their journey. Once you know where someone else stands in life, you’ll learn not to tug on their blanket. Basically, leave them alone & I keep what I’m feeling about others to myself, unless I’m feeling a strong divinely guided prompting to approach them about it. For me, I treat what I am picking up from others as information only! It does no good to take on the emotions and feelings of someone else. None of our experiences are personal – it’s only information that helps us to better navigate our own realities. Embrace the information you are receiving, take mental note, and let it rest in the distance/background so as not to take it on but instead to pull that information forward whenever it’s necessary or helpful to you.

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