Empowerment and Self Care

Leaning Out vs Staying In

(Energetic Consciousness vs Unconsciousness)

Leaning Out vs Staying In | Soul Balancing™

Leaning Out vs Staying In is a new found consciousness to better ourselves and those around us.

Often times we find our awareness outward and our mind will be thinking of many many other things. Like going to the store, picking up the kids, cleaning the house, running errands, or whatever your schedule might be. Maybe your thoughts are with family, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, doctors, or teachers. Maybe even when we think of furniture, vehicles, or other objects that we used to have or wanted to keep. Even in places that we’ve been or want to go to.

With our thoughts and energy in that external space, we are leaning out of our bodies. Most people don’t realize they are even doing it. However, when we lean out, we are sending (projecting) our energy into other peoples space as well as just not being in our own bodies.

Empaths | Soul Balancing™

For those that are sensitive and empathic, having someone else’s energy in their space is extremely uncomfortable and often times even painful.

This also leaves us vulnerable, weak, and more scattered because we’re not home (in our body).

How do we get back into our body?
Consciously intend and “feel” the command. Don’t just say the words or think the thoughts. It’s very important to “feel” the command of pulling all your awareness back. You don’t need anyone else’s permission – they are your soul pieces so command them to come back. No matter where it is, even if you don’t know where they all are, pull all your awareness back behind your eyes.

As you do, you can feel your presence behind your eyes and it will feel like you just sat down – in your body. You’ll feel this quiet the mind and relax the body. Another way to know you’re in the body with your awareness behind your eyes, is that you can peripherally see the round structure of your eye socket – also letting you know you’re behind your eyes and more in your body.

This process will also pull your energy back from other people, places, and things where you might have previously been.

At first, this will feel weird, awkward, or uncomfortable because it’s not something we have been doing.

It takes practice to stay in the body and I recommend practicing this several times a day. Eventually you will feel more comfortable in the body and won’t lean out near as much.

Consciously keeping your awareness and energy in the body will also give you more direct access to your higher knowing, your intuition, and your connection with Oneness!

If you find you would like help with retrieving more of your soul pieces, I would be happy to assist!

I want a Soul Retreival!

Trixie Phelps
Multi-Dimensional Master Balancer
Soul Balancing™
There Is Always Hope!

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