Organ Balancing

What To Expect

Organ Balancing is a process in which we will work through the body’s organs to clear and re-balance them, bringing them more into harmony with the body and it’s functions.

Most sessions are started with some organs already in mind. Most people will have issues with some organs more than others and these organs are on the top priority list when beginning. Not all organs will be worked on in a session, depending on how much time is spent on any one organ.

Since every session is completely guided by Spirit, then any other organs we work on or in what order we work on them, will be divinely guided as we move from one to another. The entire session is solely focused on the organs.

Pricing: 60 minutes = $150

More To Know!

Body ailments and issues are related to emotionally traumatized experiences. We will look at the equivalent physical references to the emotional counterparts.

Our body movement is reflective of our inner world.
The emotions that we have pushed away and ignored are what creates our physical problems, as well as what we attract to ourselves in our life. Our emotions create the thoughts that we have. It’s our resistance to acknowledging and feeling into those emotions that causes the physical ailments to manifest.