Empowerment and Self Care

Fear of Public Speaking

Multi-dimensional Healings, also referred to as Alternative, Holistic, & Energy Healings, can transform lives in miraculous ways by making lasting changes, by overcoming challenges, by removing Blockages, and by improving your well-being.

Hello, I’m Trixie Phelps. Like many of you, I have had my fair share of trauma’s and bad experiences. Whatever I didn’t personally live through, my family members did. Given my personal connection to all of this, I began to seek out different methods in order to heal myself & them. After many years of trial & error, I eventually found something that dramatically changed my life for the better. Because of this, I now offer many healing services with the intentions that I can share this “light at the end of the tunnel” and “greener grass” with others.

Soul Balancing™ is a metaphysical approach, formed from a lifetime of experiences in combination with different healing modalities. By way of this unique process, we are able to reach deeper levels of healing with immediate relief.

Imagine we are entirely made up of energy. Each different area of our being is made up of dense frequencies that are specifically formulated to be whatever it is; hair, arms, face, personalities, behaviors, love, happiness, hate, anger, guilt, shame, etc.

Higher, faster frequencies are invisible to our physical eyes. Yet it’s scientifically proven to exist. The higher the frequencies, the less visible they are. And still they exist.

We have specialists that work with our physical bodies, like physicians, chiropractors, and acupuncturists. We have specialists that work with our emotional & mental health, like psychiatrists, counselors, and other therapists. We have specialists that work with our spiritual health, like church’s and other spiritual organizations.

Soul Balancing™ works on all four levels; emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical to maintain the central balance of well-being that you need. This approach isn’t therapy. Rather, it would be more like a one-on-one investigation. As my clients describe their predicaments, I am identifying the trauma of their situation and pulling through the corrective frequencies needed for re-balancing.

“Our actions cannot be undone, however, the intensities of the emotions and triggers can be!”

Everything is energy, including our thought forms, beliefs, & programming.

And all wounded frequencies have a healing counterbalance!

For example, if we physically kick someone, then it happened. The physical kicking and coming into contact with someone else, happened. Can’t really undo that, right? Alternatively, how you feel or how they feel about what happened, are adjustable frequencies.

Recently, I was working with a client from Canada. She was seeking assistance in lowering her fear of public speaking. If we were gauging this on a scale of 1 to 10, she was at 8 or 9. This is fairly intense. To the point of feeling restricted and paralyzed in moving forward.

With our current lockdown situation, she’s finding herself doing online videos and courses in order to sustain her income. Many of these videos are being done live – in front of people that she knows, as well as many more she doesn’t know. Each one of those holding a frequency of fear, nearly equivalent to the other.

As we look into this deeper, we find that the fear of public speaking is really a fear of being judged. Along with a multitude of mind chatter. “What will they think of me?”, “Who am I to be doing this?”, “I’m no body”, “No one will want to buy these courses”, “I’ll just be wasting my time”.

You can relate, yes?

By now, we’ve begun onto a journey together. As she describes her situation, I am following along as though I was there. Feeling into how real that experience was for her. We are working in tandem.

As we continue talking. I’m being guided to look deeper. There is more. Our goal here is to locate the counterbalance of frequencies to her fear. To do this effectively, we are locating the root cause. We’re not there yet and we continue digging.

We acknowledge all that we have discovered so far. And with that information on the sidelines, we consider what else could be at the root of this. She has a memory of an event in her life that vaguely resembles what we’re talking about, and she can’t shake the thought of it. We entertain the memory and while listening, I receive information on where to go next. From that story, I hear her loneliness, I feel her sadness, and I’m seeing a visual image of the scene in my mind.

The “fear of judgement from others” was coming from her wounded and traumatized experience of a time when she was ignored as a child. Nothing she did was right. She wasn’t allowed to speak, unless spoken to. Basically, her opinion didn’t matter.

She was feeling unworthy and insignificant as a child, and she believes she is still unworthy and insignificant as an adult. No one wanted to listen to her then, why would they listen to her now?

This kind of information is gold for someone working in service, like me. These stories offer an immense load of information on where to find the source of someone’s trauma and provide the proper counterbalance of healing for that particular wounded set of frequencies.

Often, there is a source of validation in knowing when we’ve hit the root cause of the trauma. Once this has been identified, we began the healing. By the end of her hour session, she was feeling hopeful, relaxed, motivated, more content inside, and couldn’t help but smile while talking to me. (You can actually hear when someone is smiling on the phone!).

The 8-9 gauge number she begun with had dramatically dropped to 2! This allowed her to move forward more freely and achieve the goals she had set for herself.

Traumatic experiences vary from person to person. Some may only need one session, whereas others may benefit from several before reaching their preferred state of well-being.

Long-distance sessions are easily available due to energy not being bound by time & space.

Everything is energy, which is why energy healing is so effective.

I have an absolute passion for what I do! Given my own journey to healing, I speak from personal experience when I say “The grass is greener on the other side… of healing”!

In a session, we could be working with past lives, soul retrievals, emotional healing, PTSD healing, chakra balancing, organ balancing, and any number of other techniques to end the suffering and bring you peace.

I’m looking forward to working with you and your loved ones.

Trixie Phelps
Multi-Dimensional Soul Balancer

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